Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

I am an independent leader, who if sent to Washington, will fight to ensure that Americans can have access to affordable and quality healthcare through a free-market approach. The legislation that was passed by Congressman Joe Courtney, a Democratic Congress and the Obama Administration is an attack on individual liberty and freedom, adding taxes; it does not address the true problems that must be solved in the years ahead. This enormous tax on American families and businesses will not address the real problems that highlight the need to reform our healthcare system. It is merely one more burden on our hard-working, middle class citizens placed on us by the Obama Administration and Congressman Joe Courtney.

Obamacare is not the proper direction our country should be headed. We need consumer-friendly reform that addresses interstate commerce and tort reform, to name a few things. As First Selectman of East Lyme, I have experience dealing with health insurance reform, where we focused on health care not sick care, introducing wellness programs and Health Savings Accounts so we became healthier, better consumers. This has resulted in tremendous savings for our town with average yearly premium increases near 2 percent. If elected to Congress, I am committed to bringing common sense solutions to the health care debate, and I will fight for our residents to have a say in how future healthcare is delivered.

I will vote to repeal Obamacare and repeal it with a system that works for all Americans.
